Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1 + 1 = 3

Well, as many of you know by now, we are expecting our first little addition to our family in September. A blog post just cannot simply tell you how excited I am. Pretty much all I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a mom....all of that schooling and working were just stepping stones to get here (haha, but really ;)....and here we are, less than 5 months away!
That is really the biggest news in the Rowe's apartment....
Oh, except one other exciting thing this summer, is....We're building a house! Yep, 2 of the biggest things in our life (other than marriage itself) are happening just months from now. Our house should be done in June. We are pretty darn excited to be home owners as well. So now we'll have time to move in, nest and get all the baby stuff ready just in time!
Sorry there's no pictures....I figured I just had to bite the bullet and update picture-less or this may never get posted until after our little bundle of joy gets here! ;)


  1. How exciting!! (I already knew but now you get to know that I know and I get to congratulate you two)!
    I hope everything with the pregnancy and the house go well. I'm very excited to get out of an apartment again too! And we will make it back just in time to see you all pregnant and then the baby come! How nice for me!

  2. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!! That's great that you're building a house, you'll have to post pics of it soon!

  3. Oh, this isn't John, it's HOLLY!

  4. I can't believe I had to find out from your blog!! ;)

  5. Congrats you guys!! What an exciting time!! I'm so happy for you!!
